This blog post discusses a technique for rendering SideFX Houdini FLIP fluids as sparse fields of wormlike particles (hence my slightly over-the-top Sparse Vermiform moniker) with their color based on the fluid system's gas pressure field.

The project begins with an oblate spheroid that is converted to a FLIP Fluid using the FLIP Fluid from Object shelf tool. The fluid object sits within a box that's converted to a static body with its volume inverted to act as a container.

To introduce a wave-like motion to the fluid, I decided to animate gravity by adding an expression to the z channel of the default gravity node: sin($F * 2) * 3.333.

Now for the magic (that probably everybody knew apart from me!): delving into FLIP fluid object's FLIP Configure Object, you can find a series of vector and scalar field nodes for different fields such as velocity, mass density, divergence and pressure. Passing the gas pressure field to each particle is easy as adding a Gas Field to Particle node to the DOP network and plugging it into the FLIP Solver:

I set both the attribute and source field to pressure - now, each particle now has an @pressure attribute that corresponds to the local gas pressure in the FLIP fluid. Although I'm using this attribute to set the particle color, it could be used for many other effects, such as making viscosity or temperature a function of pressure.

Moving onto rendering, I trashed the automatically created nodes for creating a fluid surface and created my own geometry node containing:

The sparsity is introduced with a Delete node that culls points based on their @ptnum attribute using "delete by expression": (@ptnum % 75) != 0.

Now that each point has a @pressure, the Attribute Wrangle node uses that to generate an RGB color from a hue based on pressure and populate the @Cd attribute:

    float hue = smooth(0, 1, abs(sin(@pressure * 0.1)));
    @Cd = hsvtorgb(hue, 1, 1);

The Trail node with a "connect as polygons" result type plugged into a Wireframe node yields the little worms. 



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