This post expands upon my previous post, Simulating Mitosis in Houdini. After watching Creating Points, Vertices & Primitives using Vex by Fifty50, I wondered what sort of structure my mitosis emulation would create if the generated points were joined to their parent by a connecting rod.

Thanks to the Fifty50 video, implementing this was a piece of cake. With each new point generated in my existing mitosis solver, I added code the create a new polyline primitive with two vertices - one based on the parent point and the other based on the newly generated point:

int newPoint = addpoint(geoself(), @P + randOffest);      
int prim = addprim(geoself(), "polyline"); 
int vertex1 = addvertex(geoself(), prim, @ptnum); 
int vertex2 = addvertex(geoself(), prim, newPoint);  

With some additional code to limit the total number of child points each point can generate, the solver creates a series of connected lines:

To create the renderable geometry, I took the output from the solver and piped it into a PolyWire node to create the connecting rods, and a Copy node to place a sphere at each point. With that geometry, I generated a VDB volume which was smoothed and converted back to polygons:

The final result is a smooth mesh with no hard joints between the spheres and connecting rods. In my opinion, this gives a nicer look as the spheres divide that the metaballs I've used previously:

The video above shows the final render using the default silver material and an Environment Light added to the scene. Another win for Houdini!


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  1. What if each successive pole length was reduced by following the golden ratio?

    1. I'm not sure how that would work with the separation of the particles - but I'll give it a try :)

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