After reading Paul Hudson's excellent What's new in Swift 3.0 article, I thought I'd take an early dive into Swift 3.0 myself to see how it affects Core Image development. The first step is to install the latest Swift 3.0 snapshot and, again, Hacking with Swift has a great blog post explaining how to do this.
To illustrate the changes, I've created a small demo project which is available here. The repository has two branches: master, which is a working Swift 2 version and Swift3, which is a working Swift 3 version.
The project is pretty simple stuff, but does include some important Core Image features: creating and registering a new filter, using a custom kernel and rendering a filter's output to a CGImage using a Core Image context.
An important note: Swift 3.0 is currently under development - what's correct today may well change before final release!
A Simple Threshold Filter
Let's kick off by looking at a custom Core Image filter: a simple threshold filter that returns black for pixels with a luminance value below a given value and white for pixels above.The first steps might well be to define some filter attributes:
class ThresholdFilter: CIFilter
var inputImage : CIImage?
var inputThreshold: CGFloat = 0.75
override var attributes: [String : AnyObject]
return [
kCIAttributeFilterDisplayName: "Threshold Filter",
"inputImage": [kCIAttributeIdentity: 0,
kCIAttributeClass: "CIImage",
kCIAttributeDisplayName: "Image",
kCIAttributeType: kCIAttributeTypeImage],
"inputThreshold": [kCIAttributeIdentity: 0,
kCIAttributeClass: "NSNumber",
kCIAttributeDefault: 0.75,
kCIAttributeDisplayName: "Threshold",
kCIAttributeMin: 0,
kCIAttributeSliderMin: 0,
kCIAttributeSliderMax: 1,
kCIAttributeType: kCIAttributeTypeScalar]
Pretty simple stuff, which won't compile in Swift 3.0. It appears that as part of Proposal SE-0072, Fully Eliminate Implicit Bridging Conversions from Swift, the string constants kCIAttributeTypeImage and kCIAttributeTypeScalar no longer implicitly bridge to AnyObject. Furthermore, the dictionaries used to define the attribute properties for inputImage and inputThreshold fail to bridge to AnyObject.
To fix this, we need to cast both the string constants and the attribute property dictionaries to something that does conform to AnyObject. For the strings, I've written a small extension:
extension String
var nsString: NSString
return NSString(string: self)
override var attributes: [String : AnyObject]
return [
kCIAttributeFilterDisplayName: "Threshold Filter",
"inputImage": [kCIAttributeIdentity: 0,
kCIAttributeClass: "CIImage",
kCIAttributeDisplayName: "Image",
kCIAttributeType: kCIAttributeTypeImage.nsString] as AnyObject,
"inputThreshold": [kCIAttributeIdentity: 0,
kCIAttributeClass: "NSNumber",
kCIAttributeDefault: 0.75,
kCIAttributeDisplayName: "Threshold",
kCIAttributeMin: 0,
kCIAttributeSliderMin: 0,
kCIAttributeSliderMax: 1,
kCIAttributeType: kCIAttributeTypeScalar.nsString] as AnyObject
After creating a color kernel to do the thresholding, the filtering work is typically done inside a filter's overridden outputImage method:
override var outputImage: CIImage!
guard let inputImage = inputImage,
thresholdKernel = thresholdKernel else
return nil
let extent = inputImage.extent
let arguments = [inputImage, inputThreshold]
return thresholdKernel.applyWithExtent(extent, arguments: arguments)
However, the same change to implicit bridging prevents this code from compiling. Recall from above that the inputThreshold attribute is of type CGFloat which doesn't conform to AnyObject. This is the same case for other Swift numeric types and the resolution is to change numeric parameters for Core Image filters to NSNumber:
var inputThreshold: NSNumber = 0.75
As part of the renaming of methods in Swift 3.0, applyWithExtent has also changed, so the getter needs to look like:
override var outputImage: CIImage!
guard let inputImage = inputImage,
thresholdKernel = thresholdKernel else
return nil
let extent = inputImage.extent
let arguments = [inputImage, inputThreshold]
return thresholdKernel.apply(withExtent: extent, arguments: arguments)
Registering the Filter
Now the filter is compiling, we need to register it and create a filter vendor to instantiate the filter based on its name. In Swift 2, the code would be:
let CategoryCustomFilters = "Custom Filters"
class CustomFiltersVendor: NSObject, CIFilterConstructor
static func registerFilters()
constructor: CustomFiltersVendor(),
classAttributes: [
kCIAttributeFilterCategories: [CategoryCustomFilters]
func filterWithName(name: String) -> CIFilter?
switch name
case "ThresholdFilter":
return ThresholdFilter()
return nil
SE-0072 crops up again: since CategoryCustomFilters is a Swift string which doesn't conform to AnyObject. Also, both registerFilterName and filterWithName have changed their names. The updated code is:
class CustomFiltersVendor: NSObject, CIFilterConstructor
static func registerFilters()
constructor: CustomFiltersVendor(),
classAttributes: [
kCIAttributeFilterCategories: [CategoryCustomFilters.nsString]
func filter(withName name: String) -> CIFilter?
switch name
case "ThresholdFilter":
return ThresholdFilter()
return nil
Querying and Executing the Filter
With the filter code in place and compiling, it's time to execute it. We'll override a view controller's viewDidLoad method by setting the background color:
view.backgroundColor = UIColor.grayColor()
In this case, the "color" part of "grayColor" is a bit spurious and as part of "omit needless words", it's dropped, so the correct code is:
view.backgroundColor = UIColor.gray()
This code makes the slightly dubious assumption that the first filter in the "Custom Filters" category is our threshold filter (it is just a demo!):
guard let filterName = CIFilter.filterNamesInCategory(CategoryCustomFilters).first else
However, that method name has changed to:
guard let filterName = CIFilter.filterNames(inCategory: CategoryCustomFilters).first else
Next, we'll define a threshold value and pass it to the filter in its constructor:
let threshold = 0.5
let mona = CIImage(image: UIImage(named: "monalisa.jpg")!)!
let filter = CIFilter(
name: filterName,
withInputParameters: [kCIInputImageKey: mona, "inputThreshold": threshold])
Failed again! threshold has been created by default as a double which, as you may have guessed, doesn't implement AnyObject. This is fixed by creating it as a NSNumber:
let threshold: NSNumber = 0.5
The next step is to create a Core Graphics image from the filter's output:
let context = CIContext()
let final: CGImageRef = context.createCGImage(
fromRect: outputImage.extent)
Almost working, only CGImageRef is no longer available in Swift, so that needs to be changed to a CGImage:
let final: CGImage = context.createCGImage(
from: outputImage.extent)
Finally, we'll use the dimensions of final to construct a UIImageView of the correct size and populate its image property with the filter's output:
let frame = CGRect(
x: Int(view.bounds.midX) - CGImageGetWidth(final) / 2,
y: Int(view.bounds.midY) - CGImageGetHeight(final) / 2,
width: CGImageGetWidth(final),
height: CGImageGetHeight(final))
let imageView = UIImageView(frame: frame)
imageView.image = UIImage(CGImage: final)
There are some nice changes here - no more calls to CGImageGetWidth and CGImageGetHeight: the image has width and height properties. There's also a rename of CGImage in the UIImage constructor:
let frame = CGRect(
x: Int(view.bounds.midX) - final.width / 2,
y: Int(view.bounds.midY) - final.height / 2,
width: final.width,
height: final.height)
let imageView = UIImageView(frame: frame)
imageView.image = UIImage(cgImage: final)
If, like me, you haven't used NSNumber as the type for scalar Core Image filter attributes, now might be the time to start changing them. Of course, Swift 3.0 is still evolving and the changes made as part of SE-0072 may well change, but a close look at the Core Image documentation does suggest these should be NSNumberI am halfway through updating Filterpedia to Swift 3.0, however there's a known issue in Swift 3.0 with UITableViewDataSource which is temporarily holding me back.
Maybe i'm missing something, but it's not totally obvious to me how to implement the "color kernel to do the thresholding". I was wondering whether you could incorporate that snippet in the tutorial?
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