Inspired by this tweet from Erwin Santacruz, the owner of, I thought it was high time that I played with some strange attractors in Swift. Strange attractors are equations that represent behaviour in a chaotic system and one of the most famous is the Lorenz Attractor which is a simplified model of atmospheric convection.
Although attractors can create some beautiful patterns, the maths behind them is surprisingly simple. For a typical solution for the Lorenz Attractor, given a single point in three dimensional space, with each time step, its co-ordinates are updated with the following code:
float sigma = 10.0;
float beta = 8.0 / 3.0;
float rho = 28.0;
float deltaX = sigma * (y - x);
float deltaY = x * (rho - z) - y;
float deltaZ = x * y - beta * z;
This task is ideally suited to Metal, where individual points can be calculated and rendered super quickly. Although the points are three dimensional, I decided to stick with a compute shader and render to a two dimensional texture using my own faux-3D approach. The fundaments of the structure aren't a million miles away from my previous experiments with particle systems under Metal.
The project begins with what is effectively an array 222 or 4,194, 304 in size. The first item of this array is given a vector of three random floating point values. Inside the Metal compute shader, an index defines which point, or item in the array, needs to be calculated next using the formula above. The index is incremented with each step.
The faux-3D rendering renders the system rotating around a vertical axis. To do this, the y coordinate of the point maps directly to the screen's y coordinate. However the screen's x coordinate is the point's x multiplied by the sine of the rotation angle added to the point's z multiplied by the cosine of the rotation angle:
(thisPoint.x * sin(angle) + thisPoint.z * cos(angle)) * scale
I've added an implementation of Bresenham's line algorithm to the shader to draw a continual line between the points. Even with the line drawing and millions of points, my iPad Pro runs at 60fps rendering pretty nice results:
The final project is available here - enjoy! For some stunningly rendered strange attractors with accompanying maths, check out Strange Attractors on Bechance.
Since first releasing this work, I've made some changes:
- A segmented control allows the user to select from a handful of different systems. These are selected inside the Metal kernel function with branching. There are techniques to dynamically compile Metal shaders at run time which may offer better performance, but I'm still getting 60fps, so I haven't looked into that.
- I've split the single Metal compute kernel into two separate functions: one calculates the next point in the system and the other renders the system. This allows me to perform multiple solver operations with each frame - the app now iterates over the solver 20 times with each display refresh, effectively increasing the speed of the app by twenty times!
- I've jazzed up the display with some color: the line segment color is now a function of time.
- The user can pinch to zoom into the generated pattern.
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