I'm excited to be able to post the first iteration of my Stage3D based Reaction Diffusion Explorer based on my AGAL Gray Scott shader. 

I dusted off my SoftSkin skin from a few years ago which gives the application a little bit of personality. The skin uses loads of transitions (check out the funky radio buttons!) and it was a happy surprise that FlashPlayer handled all the Stage3D stuff and the skin animations without breaking a sweat.

The rendering is now done in two steps - the first step is a Gray Scott solver which generates a texture using the red and green channels for the U species and the blue channel for the V species. The second is a simple shader that accepts the texture and renders to the back buffer after transforming the colours based on the user interface. This allows the user to, for example, render in mono based on the U species: 

 Or render only the V species to the blue channel:

One of the joys of AGAL is that the code is compiled on the fly. The post effect AGAL code is based on dynamic source based on the user interface.

Having a second render post effect opens up possibilites for blurs and false colour rendering.

The only real functionality missing in this version compared to my original Pixel Bender Reaction Diffusion Explorer is the ability to change parameters across space. So next weekend I plan to extend the code to ingest gradients and set the f, k, dU and dV values based on those.

The application lives here and the source code lives here. I would add that the source code is a tad ropey - this is coding for pleasure and sometimes good manners get left behind in a programming frenzy!


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