I played with this before Christmas one weekend and rediscovered it last week. Although it's nowhere near complete, it's an interesting exercise and may be useful to some.

The test bed application allows users to enter the figures 0-9 via simple gestures. A gesture starts with a mouse down on a box and ends after the user has moused over several boxes and releases the button.

The GesturePopUp class accepts an array collection of Gesture objects. In turn, each Gesture object contains an array that describes each position of that gesture. For example, the '1' character comprises of an array containing the positions 2, 5 and 8.

While the user is performing a gesture, the code checks for any items in its gesturesArrayCollection and displays all the relevant matches.

Why 'pop up'? When I first started writing this, I imagined the 3x3 grid as a pop up - maybe launched by pressing the space bar. Imagine you have a full screen video player, the grid could pop up to allow the user to execute commands such as play, pause, stop, etc.

The application lives here and the source code is available here.


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