Wow - two months since my last blog. I've had a busy few months moving house, changing, err, 'marital status' (SWFP looking for...) and leaving Tag after a decade to move to a great SAP Netweaver company in Trafalgar Square called Keytree. I've returned to my roots and my days are spent happily coding super slick Flex user interfaces to Keytree's power house SAP solutions.

The opportunity to be at the forefront of integrating Flex and SAP is really exciting. So all my free time right now is spent working on some secret in-house projects, and my experiments with physics and other Flex goodies don't really get much time at the moment - hence the lack of blogging.

I'm also currently putting feelers out for some fresh Flex talent around London to help me out on a new project (with other sexy Flex projects in the pipeline). If you're a middle weight Flex programmer with a good sense of interaction design, usability and aesthetics and you're looking for some great projects, please drop me a line: simon.gladman [@] with your CV, some examples of your work and salary expectations.

A new version of Space Balls is in my pipeline :)


PS: No agencies! I'm looking to recruit directly only :)

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